A SciFi novel that is truly novel. About a band that travels the galaxy bringing light and love to worlds of hate.
Follow the boys in the band as they take on the Keepers of the Non-Light in a fight for the future of this known lifespace.
A truly unique adventure from a long-time SciFi aficionado.
Celestial Palace: Galactic Band of Renown is available in 5" x 7" paperback edition [$20] or eBook format [$5.99] and is available at most digital book venues.
To order from Amazon, click on the cover pix above for the link.
Or, to order direct from publisher do so via this link:
[Author's Note: I make more via publisher direct buy]
Or, buy a PDF version below.
BONUS: Get the music inspired by this book: "The Celestial Palace" by Stranded Alien.

This third volume in the Meta-Reflection series takes the absurdity of the current state of affairs to a whole other level.
No, really! This mofo volume goes totally off the rails. A hilarious perspective on what we're living in real time. It names names and kicks ass, as any true patriot would. [sarcasm]
You will learn things you never thought to think about and never hope to think about ever again.
Volume III is Steven Lance's pièce de résistance. Bon appétit!

At a time when we struggle with Covid, Covfefe and Craziness it is good to laugh. In fact, it is often necessary to laugh in order to carry on.
This second volume reflects on the election loss of Trump, the rise of the Big Lie, the promise of My Pillow Guy, QAnon, Boebert, Gaetz and Greene, Fifth Dimensional Blue Lizard Men, Retrumplicanism and what all of that portends for America.
And through it all, Steven Lance has you laughing until you feel good enough to carry on.

A "Meta-Reflection On Life" is a collection of the meanderings of a thinking person in lockdown. A rumination at times deep, at other times hilarious. You'll find yourself laughing out loud then suddenly thinking deep thoughts you may have never before considered.
Said one reader: "An enjoyable, if somewhat weird, read."
Said another reader: "WTF were you smokin', dude?"
Said yet another reader: "The perfect bathroom book." [Author's Note: Not sure how to take that.]
Key Words: Politics. Absurdity. Surreality. Sexuality. X-Rated. Hilarity. Buckle up!

As are all great works of science fiction, "Praying The Price" is a prophetic novel. The reader will experience today what will transpire in the near future. If you enjoy science fiction, suspense and intelligent conspiracies, "Praying The Price" is definitely for you.
A great tale that takes the protagonist, rogue agent Joel Renner, around the world in hopes of evading the pursuing Central Intelligence Agency. His last mission is to redeem himself by saving humanity from the dastardly plan of The Group; a centuries old organization seeking an ultimate world order that will benefit a small fraction of human beings at the expense of the masses.
Meet wonderful characters like Mellow Deus Marveluscious, world-renowned celebrity reporter and Will Barnes, crusty old investigative journalist.
Written by a lover of science fiction that has grown bored with what's been coming out for the last 20 years. If you're itching for a good read, "Praying The Price" is your ticket to adventure.

Definitive of the Millennial Horror genre, Vulgarian Goulash is born of a dream; a nightmare that daily insinuates itself via headline news.
The monsters that most terrify us? Ourselves.

Exploring headline horrors of human depravity, Vulgarian Goulash took readers beyond the edge.
Vulgarian Goulash: Second Serving, promises a trip beyond the beyond.